Incoming image, video, audio, document message#
This section describes messageData
object incoming webhook format for incoming image, video, audio or document message. For a description of the general format of incoming webhooks, refer to Incoming messages section.
To get incoming webhooks of this type, two conditions must be true:
= incomingMessageReceived
= imageMessage
|| videoMessage
|| documentMessage
|| audioMessage
Webhook parameters#
object parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
typeMessage | string | Received message type. For messages of this type, the field takes the value: imageMessage , videoMessage , documentMessage , audioMessage |
fileMessageData | object | Received file data object |
quotedMessage | object | Quoted message data object. Present only if the message itself is a quote |
object parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
downloadUrl | string | Link to download file |
caption | string | File caption |
fileName | string | File name. The field is filled in correctly only for typeMessage = documentMessage , in other cases the file name is generated automatically |
jpegThumbnail | string | Image preview in base64 |
mimeType | string | File type according to the Media Types classification |
isForwarded | boolean | Whether the message is forwarded, takes on values true/false |
forwardingScore | integer | Number of message forwards |
When sending images via the API with a resolution greater than 3000x3000, a preview will not be generated. The
field in messages and received notifications will be empty.
object parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
stanzaId | string | Quoted message id |
participant | string | Quoted message sender's id |
typeMessage | string | Quoted message type |
The rest of the fields are filled depending on the type of the quoted message and are identical to the fields of incoming messages described in Incoming messages section
Webhook body example#
"typeWebhook": "incomingMessageReceived",
"instanceData": {
"idInstance": 1234,
"wid": "",
"typeInstance": "whatsapp"
"timestamp": 1588091580,
"idMessage": "F7AEC1B7086ECDC7E6E45923F5EDB825",
"senderData": {
"chatId": "",
"sender": "",
"chatName": "Green",
"senderName": "Green",
"senderContactName": "Green"
"messageData": {
"typeMessage": "imageMessage",
"fileMessageData": {
"downloadUrl": "{{Url}}",
"caption": "Image",
"jpegThumbnail": "",
"mimeType": "image/jpeg",
"forwardingScore": 4,
"isForwarded": true
Audio and text quote incoming message webhook body example#
"typeWebhook": "incomingMessageReceived",
"instanceData": {
"idInstance": 1234,
"wid": "",
"typeInstance": "whatsapp"
"timestamp": 1588091580,
"idMessage": "F7AEC1B7086ECDC7E6E45923F5EDB825",
"senderData": {
"chatId": "",
"sender": "",
"chatName": "Green",
"senderName": "Green"
"messageData": {
"typeMessage": "audioMessage",
"fileMessageData": {
"downloadUrl": "",
"fileName": "39c20293-eb8d-abdd-5fdd1b83820a.mpga",
"mimeType": "image/jpeg",
"forwardingScore": 4,
"isForwarded": true
"quotedMessage": {
"stanzaId": "9A73322488DCB7D9689A6112F2528C9D",
"participant": "",
"typeMessage": "textMessage",
"textMessage": "Hello"
Audio and audio/video/document quote incoming message webhook body example#
"typeWebhook": "incomingMessageReceived",
"instanceData": {
"idInstance": 1234,
"wid": "",
"typeInstance": "whatsapp"
"timestamp": 1588091580,
"idMessage": "F7AEC1B7086ECDC7E6E45923F5EDB825",
"senderData": {
"chatId": "",
"sender": "",
"chatName": "Green",
"senderName": "Green"
"messageData": {
"typeMessage": "audioMessage",
"fileMessageData": {
"downloadUrl": "https://s/990173687/801078ab-3340-4e4aa5.ogg",
"caption": "",
"fileName": "801078ab-3340-4f78-е9978be4aa5.ogg",
"jpegThumbnail": "",
"mimeType": "audio/ogg",
"forwardingScore": 4,
"isForwarded": true
"quotedMessage": {
"stanzaId": "9A73322488DCB7D9689A6112F2528C9D",
"participant": "",
"typeMessage": "imageMessage",
"downloadUrl": "",
"caption": "",
"jpegThumbnail": ""
Image and location quote incoming message webhook body example#
"typeWebhook": "incomingMessageReceived",
"instanceData": {
"idInstance": 1234,
"wid": "",
"typeInstance": "whatsapp"
"timestamp": 1588091580,
"idMessage": "F7AEC1B7086ECDC7E6E45923F5EDB825",
"senderData": {
"chatId": "",
"sender": "",
"chatName": "Green",
"senderName": "Green"
"messageData": {
"typeMessage": "imageMessage",
"fileMessageData": {
"downloadUrl": "",
"caption": "",
"fileName": "d417740b483b-8426-e8d871d6de9f.jpeg",
"jpegThumbnail": "",
"mimeType": "image/jpeg",
"forwardingScore": 4,
"isForwarded": true
"quotedMessage": {
"stanzaId": "9A73322488DCB7D9689A6112F2528C9D",
"participant": "",
"typeMessage": "locationMessage",
"location": {
"nameLocation": "",
"address": "",
"jpegThumbnail": "",
"latitude": 72.5922702,
"longitude": 45.6645388
Image and contact quote incoming message webhook body example#
"typeWebhook": "incomingMessageReceived",
"instanceData": {
"idInstance": 1234,
"wid": "",
"typeInstance": "whatsapp"
"timestamp": 1588091580,
"idMessage": "F7AEC1B7086ECDC7E6E45923F5EDB825",
"senderData": {
"chatId": "",
"sender": "",
"chatName": "Green",
"senderName": "Green"
"messageData": {
"typeMessage": "imageMessage",
"fileMessageData": {
"downloadUrl": "",
"caption": "",
"fileName": "542ad819-166b-b0e1-279069cd03bb.jpeg",
"jpegThumbnail": "",
"mimeType": "image/jpeg",
"forwardingScore": 4,
"isForwarded": true
"quotedMessage": {
"stanzaId": "9A73322488DCB7D9689A6112F2528C9D",
"participant": "",
"typeMessage": "contactMessage",
"contact": {
"displayName": "Green",
"vcard": "BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nN:Green\nitem1.TEL;waid=79001230000\nitem1.X-ABLabel:Мобильный\nEND:VCARD"